You Are My Sunshine — February 24th, 2012

Dr Synergy's Laboratory Of Sin

So where should I even start with my day! I think I’m just gonna talk about how my date with Solar Girl went on Thursday first! That was kind of fun! We went to see a movie and sat in the dark for a while! But then I took her home and her friend, Moonshine, blew a hole in my wall!! =(

I was trying to give Solar Girl a goodbye kiss at the time but her friend went all jealous on us! It makes me really upset! Can’t she accept that we’re together now? That is what we are, right??

So, Solar Girl doesn’t seem to share my love for “You Are My Sunshine”! =( I thought she would still love it, she always used to love it...

it turns out that the hole in the wall was a good thing in the end!! Earlier today, this really muscled guy and some friends of his came through the hole, wondering what was behind it! We had a little talk and he introduced himself as Fleshmonger and I said “hi I’m Dr. Synergy” and he said “hi I’m Fleshmonger” and then, guess what I found out?? He wants to play with Solar Girl too!! Isn’t that great?! =)

I thought it was! So I made a new friend because of Solar Girl’s jealous bitch of a friend! He took me to his hangouts and said basically “NO HEROES ALLOWED” and I said “well I’m not a hero!!” and he said “okay cool =)” and let me have anything of his that I wanted as long as I used it for playing with Solar Girl! I think Fleshmonger and I are gonna be EXCELLENT FRIENDS!! =D

He even let me have some old fuel of his that he said could explode at any moment! I know I’m gonna make great use of that! There wasn’t very much fuel in the tanks though… =( So I asked him why and he said “because they already used some of it!” and I said “who??” and he said “the frontiersman who had this tank before I did!” and I said “okay…” and he said “yeah!”! So that answered that! I guess! =)

That’s all for now, guys! I’ve got some FUN EXPERIMENTS to work on! Solar Girl left her wristbands behind and I’ve got to figure out how they work so I can make them into rings for us!!