Brand New Day — February 24th, 2012

Dr Synergy's Laboratory Of Sin

It’s a brand new day, a brand new me, same as the old me! I’m still the same old Dr. Energy-Saver YOU knew for a few days and maybe even LOVED! I’m just revealed as who I really am...A SUPERVILLAIN! That’s right! I don’t give tips on saving energy at all, and I NEVER MEANT TO. It was just a trap for Solar Girl, and one she still fell into, even while expecting me to be a villain! Such an idiot, right, guys?! =)

So in the coming weeks, I’ll be giving YOU tips on killing costumed heroes! That’s actually a lie too! Haha! I’ll actually just be using this as a scientific log of all of my EXPERIMENTS, some of which include trapping Solar Girl and some of which are unrelated experiments! Isn’t that great?!

I look forward to playing with Solar Girl more in the future! Like I said on my Twitter, she’s super fun! =)