Solar Girl and Spotlight City, in..."Valentine's Day"

by Pick-n-Mix Comix

Hey, gang! It's been...a while.

It was still 2012 when I last posted anything.

Needless to say, a lot has changed.

I don't run that blog anymore, but I might when I can get back into it.

And the universe is falling apart. It has fallen apart. And we've all put it back together too.

It's February now, about 12 years after I started writing that blog. Supergirls In The Spotlight...right when I was just starting out.

That universe doesn't, strictly speaking, exist anymore. Maybe it does, somewhere in the Aether, but we're all in a brand new world now.

It's, surprisingly, not Dr Synergy's fault.

The world did end in 2012 after all, sort of. And it came back to life. Most of us don't really exactly remember what happened, but we can tell the world isn't what it used to be, and probably won't be again for quite a while.

Moonshine and I are still partners. We were delinquent high schoolers back then, as far as I know. Spotlight City is still Spotlight City, but the All-Star Corps never existed (except it did, which is the weirdest fucking paradox), and instead we got the Solarian. Quantumette. Ruby Justice, a brand new version. Bound Radical. And a few others.

Some of them are still around. The Solarian is nice, for the most part, but we had to rescue him from a pocket dimension after a fight with Dr Synergy. That wasn't fun.

Let's see, what else...oh! And I have parents in this timeline. Well, I did. Originally, they were a model agent and a fashion photographer. Well, now I have no idea who my father is and my mother was supposed to be me about 20 years ago. So that's weird.

It's all taken a lot of getting used to. Glitchboard said he'd pop over the internet and watch a movie with me later, so we'll see how that goes.

I don't know where Moonshine is. In this timeline, her parents are different just like mine were, but they're still gone and she still went villain-killer back in 2012. She's regretted it ever since. I didn't even see her for a few years after that.

Anyway. It's Valentine's Day. I don't know why it struck me to reach out and start blogging again, but it turns out there's a lot of memories about this new timeline to get in order.

So, Glitchboard came over.

I don't know how long it's been since we met him. Bound Radical gave him a body, a robot body, but he was originally human. We think.

Ever since the Synergy Wave, he's been floating around in cyberspace, a consciousness lost in the digital data, a ghost in the machine.

He ended up in Moonshine's computer network somehow, and they hung out for a while, at least until he got his body from Radical.

We watched a movie together. Or, we tried to anyway. It turns out when basically everyone knows you by this point, people start learning where you live. Bad people, who aren't nice.

And people like Mannequin, the Thief of Hearts. I mean that literally. She was a thing in Spotlight City sometime in 2013, in at least one of our timelines, and she cut out hearts to eat them or something. I think she was trying to grow her body back by turning the flesh into more flesh for herself, or something like that.

Anyway, she broke in. We fought her off. She's a mannequin, and I mean that literally too, so it wasn't altogether that hard. She went up against a superhero and a robot boy with a computer virus in his head, so I don't know what she was expecting.

She'll be back, I'm sure.

Glitchboard and I wanted to go after her, and we probably should have. I sent Flare after her instead, the solar pixie who lives inside my cuffs. Oh yeah, I'm working with him again. Let's hope it doesn't go wrong this time.

Out of curiosity, I went on patrol a little after Mannequin left. I couldn’t help it. Something didn't feel right, and I couldn’t focus on Glitchboard without at least checking.

She went into the sewers. I found her little doll footprints leading into a manhole a ways away from the apartment. Unmistakeable. Flare must've gone down there too, and I didn't want to pull him away from it so I didn't summon him back, but I did pop my head down there.

I followed the trail for a while; not too far, but far enough to know I'd have to come back when I was better prepared, and not about to walk into an ambush or something.

Something's definitely not right, but Glitchboard is waiting for me and about all I can hope for is that I won't wake up to a heartless corpse on the news tomorrow.

Happy Valentine's Day.